We Produce
The Best Olive Oil
The excepational
Miditerranean Flavor
Beautifully Crafted
Extra Virgin Olive Oils!

Gourmet Flavour

We focus on providing our clients only the freshest products from around the world.

Special Oils

The taste, the aroma and the natural ingredients of olive oils are kept unaltered.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled, and research reveals new every day.

Gourmet Flavour

We focus on providing our clients only the freshest products from around the world.

What We Do

Olive Oile




Our Range

Choose From Our Superb Range of Quality Oils, From Extra Virgin to Infused Oils!

Health Benefits

Prevents Heart Attacks

Olive oil is one of the healthiest types of fat around, so you should choose fats wisely.

Improves Your Memory

Olive oils’ antioxidants have been shown reverse of disease-related memory deficits.

Helps Fight Cancer

The elements in olive oil can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

The health benefits of olive oil include lower cholesterol levels in the your blood.

Helps Digestion

Although high in calories, olive oil has shown to help reduce levels of obesity.

Prevents Blood Clotting

Olive oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, also improve blood clotting.

Our Team

Ammar Alfares

General Manager

Saria Charbaji

Commercial manager
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